The Link Foundation is a unique non-profit organization organized under the Iowa non-profit Corporate Act as a 501 (c) (3) public charity, 509 (a) (3) organization. Link Associates Foundation is the financial resource for Link Associates programs beyond what tax dollars can pay. It seeks, receives and distributes funds to enhance the programs of Link Associates. All of the projects funded by the Foundation have one goal; to improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

Many organizations support programs directed solely towards the needs of children, but by working with Link Associates, you are among those that recognize that the needs of a child with an intellectual disability lasts a lifetime. We can't begin to tell you the impact your gift will make in the lives of the people served by Link Associates. Your support truly makes the difference between basic care and an enhanced quality of life. Donors may designate contributions to a specific program or project. Your monetary gift will open doors for the people we support to a wider world of experiences and opportunities in the community.


Foundation Board of Directors

Chris Haviland, President
Steve Schmidt, 1st Vice

Scott Brennan, 2nd Vice

Jeremy Carmichael, Treasurer

Leisa Fox, Secretary

Tammy Kerrigan, Immediate Past President



Foundation Board Members

Matt Banzhaf

Tony Dahm

Rachel Delzell

Sarah Kavalier

Jim Langin

Lorinda Peters

Jim Stoelk


Donor Privacy Policy
