SERVICE QUALITY AND OVERSIGHT - Below is the list of current accountability measures for Link Associates

The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Accreditation
In 2024 Link received its’ 14th consecutive three-year accreditation, the best outcome one can achieve.  Not only this, but Link was in 100% conformance with all the standards meaning it was a recommendation free survey.  Plus this is the third consecutive survey that Link has achieved this stellar level on having no recommendations!  Only 3% of organizations international have that level of success.  Obviously, Link is very proud of this 36 year history of successful accreditation.  CARF International is a private, not for profit international standards setting and accrediting body whose mission is to promote quality, value, optimal outcome, and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of persons served.

Program Evaluation - Link Associates actively administers a program evaluation system based on outcomes identified by persons served and other stakeholders. The plan incorporates methods of discovery, remediation and quality improvement planning and the outcome information is made available to all stakeholders.  Program evaluation data is integrated into all levels of decision-making and remains consistent with the Mission Statement of the agency.  Each program area includes outcome measures in effectiveness, efficiency, consumer/stakeholder satisfaction and service access.

Internal Review - Link Associates maintains an aggressive system of internal accounting controls in order to maintain compliance with program accreditation standards and to ensure the accuracy of the claim and reimbursement methodologies being utilized.  The Link Associates Internal Review Committee meets quarterly to review consumer and agency records.

External Review – More than 20 different oversight bodies can visit Link at any time for a variety of reasons.  They include: Provider Audit, Medicaid Financial, Medicaid Medical, Medicaid Desk Audits, Medicaid On-Site Documentation Audit, Surveillance and Utilization Review Services, Payment Error Rate Measurement, Medicaid Integrity Program, Medicaid Monthly Audit of Remedial Case Notes, Department of Human Services Purchase of Service, DHS – Chapter 24 for Supported Community Living and Case Management, State Fire Marshall, Social Security Administration Representative Payee, Department of Labor 14(C) Certification, Iowa Workforce Development On-Site Employment Audit, Case Management Monitoring Monthly, State Supplemental Assistance, Department of Inspections and Appeals Annual Food Warehouse Licensing audit Vocational Rehabilitation Services Purchase of Service Agreement Compliance Audit, United Way of Central Iowa Outcome Measures for UW Respite and UW Leisure

Licensing/Certification Audits - DHS–Chapter 24 for SCL & Case Management, DIA licensure–Link General Store, Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Certification, HCBS Quality Framework, Independent Accreditation – Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).